Friday, August 23, 2013

Stepping aside...

I don`t know how many times I asked you to stop doing this… How many times I begged not to be like this… How many tears I have cried not to do this… But it just doesn’t seem that my words matter to you at all, or I wonder whether they reach your ear even. You say you don’t know what’s happening, you say you don’t know how it happened, you say you don’t know how to explain this, you say it’s complicated. So I decided not to make it more complicated by bothering you every now and then.

I loved you more than myself, more than anyone else in this world. I trusted you with my everything. I trusted you so much. So damn much. But I can’t live like this. Being killed every second. Seeing you texting her infront of me without even noticing me around you… You won’t answer my calls, don’t text me every five minutes anymore, don’t call me just to say that you love me. Yes, if I got to pin point every single thing that has changed, there will be a lot of things… But I don’t want to. I wonder if you really don’t notice any of these things, or is it that you are just playing dumb?  And above all you won’t me to act like nothing happened?

I can’t! M sorry I can’t. So for the time being let me step aside from your life. It seems I have bothered you enough. Not anymore. Live your life the way you want to. When you are done with all this and one day you want to get back with me, leave everything and come find me. I will wait for you. But for the time being, m done.
Be good and take care of yourself. I love you. I will miss you…

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