Sunday, August 25, 2013

and the countdown begins ...

It’s the beginning of another day. With lost hopes and broken dreams. I don’t know how long I have to take this. I don’t know how long m going to survive through this. Yes I told m done with us, yes I told m stepping aside, but all that coz this pain is just unbearable. Not because I have something else on my mind.

Even after giving up on you, where will I go? To whom will I go? It was you whom I loved from day one and it’s still you, it will always be you. You were the one with whom I shared my everything with. From the stupidest things to my darkest secrets. Who do I have to talk now? To whom do I ask all the questions I have in my heart? To whom do I complain? Who have time for me?

Things changed so much. I didn't even realize it. It was just too fast. I still can’t get the whole picture of this whole thing. I just get flashbacks. Of things I don’t want to think about, things I can`t forget.

You told you need time. So yeah you have one week left with you. 7 days, 168 hours, 10080 minutes, 604800 seconds. I hope you will make a decision, make your choice within this time. I will wait for your reply. It is hell hard to stay without bugging you every now and then… but I will wait, I will count everyday… 7 days. Your time starts now. 

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