Monday, August 26, 2013


I guess it’s time I give up on us. I guess it’s time for me to accept the fact that you will never be mine.  The fact that I was just another girl in your life. Just another toy you played with. What did I do to deserve this? What didn’t I do for you? What didn’t I sacrifice for you? What didn’t I risk for your happiness? What bad did I do? What harm did I do to both of you, that you two did this to me?

You didn’t like me using facebook, using the social networks, coz you thought it was just another door for me to talk to others, other boys. I stopped using them. I deactivated facebook. I deleted WeChat. Did I complain? Did I argue?  You didn’t like me talking to boys, my friends. Coz you felt insecure. I stopped talking to them. Did I complain? Did I talk to them behind your back? No I didn’t. I didn’t mind stopping all that, as long as you were happy with me.

What did you find in her that I didn’t have? why aren’t the rules same for  her, your “new girl”? She use facebook, most of her friends are boys. Have you seen her profile? Or is it that you trust her so much that you don’t even need to see it? She uploads pics with boys, yes boys like you. Most of her comments are of boys. Don’t you see them? Or is it are you acting blind? Or is it that it’s okay with you coz it’s her? The SPECIAL one eh? Don’t you feel insecure anymore? You couldn’t trust me, no matter what I did, or how much I tried. So now you can trust her? You feel secure with her? You think that she won’t betray you behind your back?

She snatched me from you. Trust me, she will do the same to you. She will be the same. You will see her snatching a lot. You will see her ruining a lot of lives. Mark my words, you will regret doing this to me. Yes I will cry, I will be this lonely, depressed girl. Isn’t that what you got tired of? She is that cheerful, mature special girl right? Don’t let her go. Atleast don’t do anything behind her back as you did to me.

I loved you. More than myself. I still do. Trusted you more than anyone in this world. And this is what you gave me back? What was my mistake? Loving you so much? Sacrificing my everything for you? Giving up everything for your happiness? Wishing nothing but the best in everything you do? Doing whatever you said without any complains?  :/

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